A dead ATV battery can be a real headache when it happens during a ride. You are in the middle of the trail, miles away from any mechanic, and suddenly your ATV won’t start. When you press the ignition and nothing happens, you likely have a dead battery. Here’s what you can do in a pinch:
1. Use a battery charger.
A handy tool to bring with you on ATV excursions is a portable battery charger. These devices are easy to carry around and helpful when assistance is unreachable.
2. Get a jump start from another vehicle.
If you’re fortunate enough to run into someone who can give you a jump, this is the fastest, easiest way to get your quad back on the path. Whenever you go for a ride, bring jumper cables. You never know when you or someone else on the trail may need them.
3. Perform a push or a compression start.
This technique requires some skill: with the quad in low gear, push the vehicle until you gain some speed. Once the wheels have momentum, hop on, let out the clutch and give it some throttle. With a little luck, you should be on your way again. Need to replace your battery? Visit this website and an explore the battery inventory in Escondido.
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