Since the entire purpose of a motorhome or RV is to allow you to have all of the conveniences of home no matter where you go, it is particularly important to understand the functions of the batteries that power it.
There are 3 ways to check an RV battery:
Dashboard Monitor
Though this is the least accurate method, it’s very simple and gives you a rough idea of whether the battery needs charging. Just make sure the RV isn’t plugged into shore power, turn on a couple of lights, and check the reading.
Test the Voltage
For this, you’ll need a voltmeter and you’ll need to know the voltage of your battery (6 volt or 12 volt). Select DC voltage on the voltmeter, touch its red cord to the battery’s positive terminal and the black cord to the negative. Less than 6.35 volts (for a 6 volt battery) or 12.5 volts (for a 12 volt battery) is an indication that the battery needs charging.
Check the Battery’s Specific Gravity
This requires a hydrometer as well as protective gear. Remove the battery’s vent caps (if it is not sealed), check each cell’s electrolyte levels, fill and drain the hydrometer twice from each cell, then take readings. If the average of all cells is below 1.277, the battery needs to be charged. If there is a difference of at least .50 between the highest and lowest cell readings, you may need to replace it. To learn more about motorhome batteries in Escondido, click here.
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