All-terrain vehicles have many uses. While quad bikes and other types of ATVs are popular for recreational use, many also have more practical applications in any situation where one needs to quickly traverse inhospitable terrain, or for getting around facilities with distantly-distributed buildings where walking or using a larger motor vehicle would be impractical. The advantage of an ATV is that it packs a large amount of power and speed into a relatively small and lightweight body. The drawback is that this means an ATV battery will require slightly more attention than those in larger vehicles.
- ATV batteries run the risk of going dead after periods of particularly strenuous use, such as winching, plowing snow or using a sprayer powered by the battery.
- Things like leaving lights on without the motor running, or leaving the ATV parked with key-power still activated, can also quickly run down an ATV battery.
Since ATVs, unlike cars, often go weeks or months without being used, parking or storing an ATV with its battery still connected for over a month runs a much greater risk of the battery dying and needing to be repaired or replaced. Click here for more information about ATV batteries in San Diego.
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